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PROCESSIONAL HYMN: Jezu ufam Tobie (Paweł Bębenek) with verses, Psalm 136 (Christopher Mueller)
KYRIE: Missa Orientalis (Jacek Sykulski)
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 136 (Langlois, O.P.)
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Graduale Simplex (mode 7)
OFFERTORY MOTET: Jesu, Rex admirabilis (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
SANCTUS: Missa Orientalis (Jacek Sykulski)
GREAT AMEN: Dominican
AGNUS DEI: Missa Orientalis (Jacek Sykulski)
I. COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Misericors (Gregorian plainsong, mode 2)
II. COMMUNION MEDITATION: Anima Christi (Stefan Stuligrosz)
III. COMMUNION HYMN: Adoro te devote (arr. Bębenek & Mueller)
IV. HYMN OF THE JUBILEE OF MERCY: Misericordes sicut Pater (Costa/Inwood)
V. MEDITATION: Lift me up, O Jesus (Jacek Sykulski)
RECESSIONAL HYMN: I will sing to you (Jacek Sykulski)
POSTLUDE: Empty and beautiful (Matt Maher)